Let’s Dive

Welcome to The Belize Treasure Diving site!

We’ll be adding details of our new dive program and we look forward to meeting you in Belize in June, so save the date and we’ll look forward to seeing you there!

What you can expect is an amazing experience. Belize has the second largest barrier reef in the world! The diving is superb and the local scenery is more than amazing.

Imagine being able to see Hawaii 50 years ago before it became commercial. That’s what you can expect in Belize. It includes all of the modern amenities yet is unspoiled, affordable and an little known vacation destination.

We will be working with sponsors to make this Treasure Hunt one of the most pleasurable trips you’ve ever experienced as a diver. There will be activities throughout the ten-day period and the diving is beyond imaginable.

So put it on your calendar and join us in Belize in June! You’ll be sure to have the time of your life!

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